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In addition to listening, know the function of the inner ear for body balance

There are three parts inside the ear namely the outer, middle and inner parts. The function of the inner ear is no less important than the outer and middle ear. Like other parts of the ear, the inner ear plays a role in hearing function. However, one special feature of the inner ear is that it can help maintain body balance. Because of its role in maintaining body balance, impaired inner ear function often results in complaints of dizziness, lack of balance, and unstable vision disturbances, oscillopsia.

Main functions of the inner ear

The inner ear is inside the temporal bone, divided into quite complex parts known as the labyrinth. The inner ear consists of cochlear and vestibular organs with the semicircular canal, saculus and utriculus. The main function of the inner ear is to hear. In the ear in this function is assisted by the cochlea. To be heard in the ear, the incoming sound will pass through the three parts of the ear, namely the outer, middle, and inner ear. When a sound appears, the sound waves will enter through the auricle in the outer ear and are forwarded to the eardrum. Then the eardrum vibrates, and the sound travels to the middle ear. This section is connected through a bone called a malleus. Malleus trembled then delivered the sound to the two small bones, the incus and the stapes, which were in the middle ear. Furthermore, moving stapes push sound waves through the liquid in the cochlea towards the Corti organa, and the resonance of sound will be captured by the parts of the cochlea. From here there are still a few more processes until the ear is really able to hear. In essence, the cochlea is the main part that makes the ear able to carry out their duties as a hearing organ.

Playing a role in maintaining balance

Body balance is closely related to gravity. The body balance system that we have, helps maintain posture when sitting, standing, walking and running, and doing a variety of movements well. The signals received by the brain from the inner ear, eye sight, and body movements, are some of the factors that help the body control balance. This system is also known as the vestibular system. In the inner ear there is a semi-circular section filled with fluid and sensors that resemble fine hairs, known as the semicircular canal. This part is what helps maintain balance. At the end of the circle, there are organs named utriculus and saculus. Both have sensory hair cells. If you look deeper, in these cells there is another small section called otokonia. This is the particle that plays a very important role in balance. Otokonia works to help monitor the position of the head while adapting to gravity. The existence of this autoconia also allows you to go up to a height or down to a certain depth, such as up and down in an elevator or in a car that is running, by staying stable, balanced, and not dizzy. Chances are you do not feel the presence of the ear in daily activities, especially in the invisible ear. However, the function of the inner ear is very important, both for hearing and body balance. If there are abnormalities in the ear or hearing loss, you should immediately consult an ENT doctor for proper treatment.


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